
Maïa Régis

Lady Sitting on a Chair, 2019



Exhibitions featured in


Acrylic on Paper
76 x 57 cm

Located in

I want to impregnate my paintings with tactile sensations, smells, noises, so as to suggest fragments of stories forming a fictional narrative. In this sense, I pay as much attention to the chosen motifs as on the quality of the surfaces on which I work.

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Drawings scribbled on a wall, ex-voto, profiles of characters inspired from popular culture… ostensibly figurative subjects are associated with abstract geometric or organic patterns, producing a telescoping effect to complexify its reading.

I like to navigate in these troubled waters, in a sort of surreal world, where the darkness flirts with flashing brilliance. My work tries to restore this rough and spontaneous world in a pictorial language far from all sophistication and mannerism.

The ‘Lady sitting on a chair’ was one of my first paintings on paper, inspired by Matisse and Mirò. The woman is drawn from a Goya painting. I was interested in classical subjects of bourgeoisie put in a different context, and a very purified, almost minimalistic approach to the line and form of drawing.

Maïa Régis

Born in Paris 1995, and based in London, Maïa works between London and Sicily.

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